Extradition Spain and European Arrest Warrant

Extradition is a complex legal process through which one country requests another to surrender a person accused or convicted of a criminal offense. This international procedure involves collaboration between states and is subject to strict legal regulations. If you are asking yourself, “What is the extradition process like?” or require professional assistance in such a case, we provide a detailed explanation of this intricate procedure below

What is Extradition, and How Does It Work in Spain?

In Spain, extradition is governed by a specific legal framework that enables cooperation with other countries in the surrender of alleged offenders. This process can be initiated on a bilateral basis, through extradition treaties, or within the European Union, under the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) mechanism.

The EAW is a tool designed to streamline the surrender of individuals between EU member states. However, its application requires a thorough understanding of both national and international legal systems. If you are facing an extradition request in Spain, it is essential to have the support of an expert criminal lawyer who can guide you through every stage of the process and protect your rights.

Grounds for Refusing Extradition: What Are Your Rights?

The European Arrest Warrant establishes two types of grounds for refusing extradition:

1.Mandatory Grounds:
- Previous pardon or acquittal.
- Prohibition of double jeopardy (non bis in idem).
- The accused is a minor.
- Statutory limitation of the offense under Spanish law.
- Formal defects in the extradition request.
- Diplomatic or parliamentary immunity

2. Optional Grounds:
- The existence of ongoing legal proceedings in Spain.
- Spanish nationality or habitual residence with strong family or economic ties to the country.
- Application of the principle of extraterritoriality.

Additionally, the Court of Justice of the European Union has recognized other grounds for refusing extradition, such as the risk that the requested individual may face inhumane or degrading treatment or the potential violation of fundamental rights. These situations are particularly relevant when the judicial or penitentiary system of the requesting country fails to meet minimum standards of respect for human rights.

The Importance of Legal Assistance in Extradition Cases
Extradition proceedings are highly technical and require an in-depth understanding of criminal law, international law, and human rights legislation. At our criminal law firm, we have a team of attorneys specialized in defending clients in extradition cases. Our goal is to ensure that all your rights are upheld, from the initial analysis of the request to representation in court.

Moreover, we adopt a strategic approach to explore every possible legal avenue to secure the refusal of extradition, whether by invoking mandatory or optional grounds or by demonstrating risks to the requested individual’s physical or moral integrity. In cases where the established deadlines for surrender are not met, we will advocate for your immediate release, always prioritizing your defense and well-being.

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As expert lawyers in criminal law, Fukuro Legal advises and represents its clients in the framework of any type of crime.