The Hague Convention is an international treaty that seeks to protect children from the harmful effects of international child abduction. According to the convention, the child's habitual residence is given preference in matters of custody and access. However, after one year has passed, the child may be transferred to another place, and the new residence will be considered as the child's habitual residence.
In situations where there is urgency or risk to the child's well-being, measures must be taken to protect the child. This may involve applying for a prohibition on the child's departure from the country or territory. Although it is illegal to travel with a minor without the authorization of both parents, some airlines may not ask for any documents, and if the child carries an ID card or passport, it may imply that both parents have given their consent for the trip. It is important to note that obtaining such documents without the consent of both parents is not possible.
The Hague Convention has been ratified by many countries around the world, and its provisions are designed to ensure that the best interests of the child are always taken into account. The Convention recognizes the importance of maintaining a stable environment for the child and discourages any disruption to their life, such as through international child abduction. By adhering to the Convention, countries are able to work together to ensure that children are protected from harm and that their rights are respected.